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Easing into school routines can help kids adjust smoothly:
Begin the school routine a few days early to help their bodies adapt.
Shift bedtime gradually, starting about a week before school.
Let in the morning light to promote natural wakefulness.
Limit evening screen time and avoid afternoon naps to support restful sleep.
Back-to-school preparation is less stressful when everyone knows what they need. Take some time to gather and check supplies:
Involve your kids in planning their lunches — it’s a fun way to get them excited about school and help them feel more prepared.
A clean and calming sleep environment can do wonders for helping kids relax after a busy day. Before school starts:
The return to school often brings the usual coughs and colds. Having a few health essentials on hand can help:
If your child is young or new to school, illustrated checklists are a great way to build independence:
The first weeks of school can be tiring, so be prepared to let kids decompress:
One of the best parts of the school year’s start is that summer weather still lingers. Reassure your kids that:
Getting kids back to school doesn’t have to be stressful. With these tips, the whole family can transition smoothly back into routines, setting up a fantastic year of growth and learning for everyone.
Disclaimer: This article provides general information only. It is not intended as medical or health advice and should not be relied on as a substitute for consultation with a qualified healthcare professional who understands your individual medical needs.